Category: Self Care

Strategies for Maintaining Sanity During the Holidays

Strategies for Maintaining Sanity During the Holidays

Strategies for Maintaining Sanity help facing triggers encountered during the Holidays. We work so hard year round to fend off triggers and then on this one Thursday, KA BOOM!! So easy to spiral. I wanted to offer some ways to reframe the day, say no to the day altogether, and also my top five ways

Personalization Cognitive Distortion

Personalization Cognitive Distortion: It is not all about you

Personalization Cognitive Distortion: It is not all about you   Personalization Cognitive Distortion: It is not all about you is a quick roadmap to what is and is not about you. Personalization is one of many cognitive distortions that can reak havoc on your relationships. It reaks the most havoc on your relationship with yourself. If

2020 Self Care Holiday Edition: You Soothe You

2020 Self Care Holiday Edition: You Soothe You

Welcome to the 2020 Self Care Holiday Edition: You Soothe You. Its’ been quite a year. The last thing ANYONE needs is to feel even worse, and then come the holidays. If you have not already, take a watch on my Youtube for a special message, click here, and read below for strategies to soothe

What is Big T Trauma and Little t Trauma

What is Big T Trauma and Little t Trauma

What is trauma? As a therapist, when I refer to trauma, I am referring to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Here I am going to discuss what this is comprised of and what the determinations are for this diagnosis. What is Big T Trauma A lot of people think of dramatic events that have left an

Open letter to my ex husband

Letter to my Ex-Husband, I blamed myself

Dear You-Know-Who-You-Are,    It has been 9 years since we ended our marriage and went our separate ways. The way in which our marriage ended was the most traumatic thing I have ever been through. It broke me.  Over the last 9 years, I have worked diligently to heal emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually and physically

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